
What Do You Need to Balance When Doing SEO?

Website with great user experience to help with SEO, seo company rochester, makarios marketing

When adding search engine optimization to your website, it is important to find a balance between your efforts to drive traffic to your website and not overdoing it with keywords.

If you are trying to gain additional traffic on your website, you may reel some people in by optimizing your keywords enough, but you will be unlikely to convert these website visits into sales and continued browsing if all you are doing is throwing keywords at potential buyers.

Instead, you will need to find a balance between adding the proper keywords to your web pages and providing content that your website browsers will want to access and spend time accessing.

Converting traffic into browsers into buyers is an art form that only starts with search engine optimization.

Let’s go over the top four ways to convert website traffic into people who will purchase your products and services by figuring out what you need to balance when doing SEO to keep visitors on your web pages.

Website with great user experience to help with SEO

  • Focus on the user experience on your website

When people are searching on the internet, they are typically looking for a website that appears trustworthy and inviting.

People are wary of websites that are not well put together or look as if they might be trying to get you to click on too many links, as many computer users are very wary of encountering viruses or malware on their computers.

If your goal is to have people reach your website through optimizing keywords, you will need to spend some time sprucing up your website to keep users interested and make your website one that they can trust.

In this way, you will be finding a balance between using SEO to gain website users and using another strategy.

  • Create high-quality content

Another crucial way that you can keep people on your website who have arrived due to your SEO skills is by creating high-quality content.

Whatever the intention behind your website, your goal will be to keep this person on your site and engaging with your site for as long as you possibly can.

If your keywords are aimed at answering a question that a visitor may have, you should make it your goal to answer the question on that webpage.

By providing your prospective website browser with quality content, they will be much more likely to engage with your content and read through what you have to offer.

If selling products to the people that you are trying to get on your website through SEO is your goal, keeping people on your website for longer is the way to go about securing successful sales.

If you successfully gain this person’s web traffic by including a keyword in a densely packed article that isn’t relevant to the article itself, you will most likely lose this person within seconds!

It is astounding just how fast people keep moving in the digital age and if you have baited this person in with a clever keyword but won’t answer their question, they are very unlikely to continue to engage with your content.

Try to not waste your time and your visitor’s time by uploading search engine-optimized content that is not high in quality. Instead, focus on SEO high-quality content to increase conversion rates. 

Website with new copy to bolster content to help with SEO

  • Add more content to your website!

The goal here is not to oversaturate with SEO content, but rather to spread SEO content out over the internet by creating more content.

Consider adding a search engine-optimized blog to your website if you don’t already have one.

Steering viewers to your website through SEO will be exponentially more productive if you are able to spread your online presence out over multiple articles that are search engine optimized, you will be able to access more potential buyers and website visitors.

This is an important way to find balance in your pursuit to do SEO for your website. You will need to do more work in the short term by starting a blog and either writing articles or hiring a freelancer to do so, but the blog will do more work for you in the long term by continuously driving content to your website day in and day out.

By having more content on your website that is search engine optimized, your net on the internet will be able to be cast wider and then reel in more visitors to your web pages.

  • Make sure that your SEO keywords are properly researched

With SEO, you can take the less is more approach if your keywords are properly optimized to your content.

Just taking a guess at SEO keywords is not the approach that will draw the most attention to your website and your products or services. There is a specific science to choosing SEO keywords that will maximize your visibility online and the good news is, it is extremely easy to automate this process.

By using search engine optimization tools, you can find the exact phrasing and spelling of your keywords that are most popularly looked for.

These keywords can and should be in the titles of your articles, blogs, or other content to be especially visible online and make your SEO work go further for you. As well, the meta descriptions for any articles you post should contain your top keyword choice that applies to your industry.


The overall goal of SEO is to work smarter, not harder to gain traffic on your web pages.

You could easily plaster your entire website with as many keywords as humanly possible and hope that people come across and stay long enough on your page to purchase something.

However, if you only have to use a few of them and can keep the integrity of your website looking trustworthy, the content of your website being top-notch, and the reach of your content being wide, you are sure to successfully find balance with SEO for your website.

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